Jedna zielona historia.
One green story.
Green is a symbol of hope and a color associated with life, harmony, nature and close contact with it.
In our green styling stories, we focused on playing with fabrics and patterns. A patchwork dress paired with an even more decorative bag. Men’s clothing is much calmer and decorated in the colors of mother earth. These outfits are our answer to occasional outfits this summer, i.e. various types of weddings and parties.
How do you like such outfits?
Anrika: Całość-ZARA
Antoni: Top-Bersha/Marynarka,Spodnie i Buty-Zara/Pasek-Gucci
Fot. Firstlylightt/Fabian Kosiński
Jak podobają się Wam nasze stylizacje?
How do you like our styles?
Anrika i szafa gra
Ale ta sesja przepiękna jak i wy i style!
Do twarzy wam w zieleni wyglądacie kwitnąco
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Przepiękne są te stylizacje i wy